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Engineering Solutions for Biosafety BSL-2/3: A case Study of Veterinary Vaccine Facility in Jordan

News & Insights2024-08-22

The client wanted to build a new veterinary vaccine production facility in Jordan, encompassing multiple production lines for bulk and formulation. This facility, covering an area of 12,000 square meters, needed to comply with BSL-2/3 standards, as well as WHO and EU GMP regulations.


In the engineering design of high-level biosafety production facilities, maintaining negative pressure and pressure gradients is crucial to ensuring the safety of the facility. The control of equipment startup and shutdown is particularly important for the pressure gradients in biosafety operation room. Therefore, it is necessary to control the airflow volume in the room's supply and exhaust systems.

Previous project statistics have shown that increasing the air supply volume directly results in a positive pressure trend in the room. Since variable air supply volume control poses greater challenges in terms of sensor and valve response speed and accuracy, it requires more advanced skills and experience from on-site automation engineers.

The pressure difference control strategy adopted for this project is based on a fixed air supply volume with variable exhaust volume, along with an equal switching control method for biosafety cabinet exhaust. By employing this strategy, we can ensure more stable pressure differences within the room and system, thereby safeguarding the safe operation of the high-level biosafety facility.

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